  • 期刊


Development and Application of Database System for Augmented Reality Story Books


擴增實境科技(augmented reality, AR)之發展以及其教育與訓練的應用受到各界的重視。以視覺為本的呈現形式,提供具有價值之擴增資訊,讓人們思考與分析資源內容。將擴增實境科技運用於電子繪本的閱讀,能夠提供兒童直覺化的視覺接收模式。兒童能夠與擴增實境物件互動,進而享受電子繪本閱讀的樂趣。基於這個目的,本計畫的目的以國立公共資訊圖書館之圓夢繪本花園故事為題材,建置擴增實境介面,讓兒童能夠藉由行動載具掃描圖像而取得故事內容。本文論述擴增實境科技與兒童繪本閱讀推廣之相關文獻、擴增實境繪本資料庫開發過程。除了開發之外,本計畫亦結合公共圖書館之現場推廣蒐集家長之反應意見。提供未來擴增繪本閱讀推廣之建議。


The development of augmented reality (AR) technologies and their applications in education and training have caught much attention in many fields. Visual-based presentation of AR provides the valuable augmented information to encourage thinking and analyzing. Applied in electronic picture books, AR permits intuitive interactions for perceiving visual contents in the stories. With the AR interface, children can interact with the AR object and gain enjoyment from the electronic reading experiences. Towards this aim, the project explores mobile augmented reality applied in electronic picture books. Electronic stories in Picture Book Database from National Library of Public Information are used as reading contents. Children are provided with an intuitive access to e-stories by scanning images with their mobile devices. The paper reviews related literature for the development of augmented reality and its application for promoting children reading. In addition to developmental effort, the use of the system was actually applied at public libraries. Parents' reactions were gathered for further analysis. Suggestions for future implementation were summarized.


社教博識網(2012 年11 月9 日)。學習資源:圓夢繪本資料庫。檢自http://wise.edu.tw/resource_detail.aspx?no=1288
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