  • 期刊


Identity Threat and Prosocial Behavior in Organization: The Role of Psychological Safety and Problem-Solving Rumination




This study proposes a mediating mechanism of psychological safety to link the relationship between identity threat and prosocial behavior in the organization, and further to test the moderating role of problem-solving rumination in this mediating process. A two-wave data collection method was used and 312 fulltime workers were recruited. The results showed that identity threat reduced the individuals' psychological safety, which in turn hindered their pro-peer behavior or pro-organization behavior. Employees with higher identity threat experience would be difficult to express their self-concept freely, which further reflected on the behavioral representations. In addition, this study also found that problem-solving rumination mitigated the negative effects of identity threat, since the re-appraisal of past personal experience and the development of problem-solving tactics can help employees to cope with identity threat effectively. Finally, based on the above research results, this study provides in-depth theoretical and practical discussions.


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