  • 期刊


Reviewing of Selective Prosecution- A Normative Analysis Towards Taiwanese Law from an American Perspective




In recent years, prosecutors in Taiwan have been faced with criticism over the abuse of prosecutorial charging decision. The prosecutors, in exercising charging power, inevitably are scrutinized by society for possible "selective prosecution", especially in cases that involve political figures and affairs, corruption, or elections, and theory of "selective prosecution" remains an underdeveloped element in Taiwan’s academic circles and legal practice regarding the concept, definition, application and the legal effect of the theory. There is no clear-cut criterion that serves as the judicial review standard by which the problems and issues may be appraised in Taiwan, thus speculation regarding the prosecutions is common. It is the goal of this article to introduce, under the discretionary prosecution system, one of the types of abuse of charging power, i.e. selective prosecution, on a level of accordance with the established standard and norm put forth by the United States Supreme Court, and for the purpose of institutionalizing relevant legal norm in Taiwan. Lastly, this article holds the opinion that this type of abuse of charging power could be applied in the Taiwanese prosecutorial system and incorporated into the criminal procedure as the standard for judicial review of such abuse of charging power. It will not only assist the judiciary in establishing a standard of review, but also will help to prevent the skepticism and speculation of abuses which could tarnish the prosecutorial reputation and its’ unbiased role in exercising her charging power.


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