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Collateral Consequences in the American Criminal Justice System


刑事定罪後的「附帶效果」係指對經刑事定罪之人,於刑罰之外,所施加經濟、政治、社會上權利的限制。由於,附帶效果既深且廣的影響力,具有可能不亞於刑罰對刑事定罪人的不利益。 因此,美國律師協會(American Bar Association)以及統一法律委員會(Uniform Law Commission)分別針對刑事定罪後附帶效果,提出不同的程序模範法例,以推動刑事定罪後附帶效果的程序立法。我國的行政法規中也具有許多刑事定罪後附帶效果之規定,但現行法中並未對刑事定罪後附帶效果,做出相關討論或程序保障。本文希望透過研究美國刑事定罪後附帶效果制度的發展,檢視我國法制的欠缺,並提出相對應的立法建議。


Collateral consequences refer to the economic, political, and social rights restrictions imposed on persons convicted of a crime, in addition to the criminal penalty. Due to the collateral consequences has deep and wide influence, and maybe no less than the criminal penalties of the criminal convict. The American Bar Association and the Uniform Law Commission have both proposed the model codes for the collateral consequences to promote the official legislation for collateral consequences procedural. There are many collateral consequences provisions in Taiwan's administrative regulations or civil law. However, Taiwan does not have any related discussions or procedural legislation for collateral consequences. This article hopes to study the development of the collateral consequences in the United States, and examine the lack of Taiwan's legal system and propose corresponding legislative proposals.


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