  • 學位論文


The Due Process of Administrative Adjudication—Lessons from American Law

指導教授 : 雷文玫


早在行政程序法通過前,我國行政法實務即受正當法律程序原則之拘束。大法官試圖透過數號憲法解釋,引進正當法律程序;抑且,行政機關為行政行為時,原本即應遵守其他法定之程序規範,始符合法治國之精神,亦早為學界與實務所認同之見解。適至民國八十八年二月三日總統令制定公布行政程序法後,更被視為將該原則具體落實於規範各種行政機關之行政行為的具體化表現。然而,究竟怎樣的程序方為「正當」?既有行政程序法已經足以確保正當法律程序中的程序保障理念了嗎?又正當法律程序原則的內涵為何?法院判斷行政行為是否符合正當法律程序的標準何在?若以「正當法律程序原則」的角度,可以如何解決目前國內行政處分程序相關法規適用與解釋上的問題? 本文之研究方法,係採歷史分析及比較法學方式進行,在外國文獻方面,係以美國行政程序法與其法院實務為主要參考依據。藉由上述研究方法的進行,一方面釐清正當法律程序原則發展的歷史目的,藉此尋求該原則落實在行政程序時,所應掌握的目標;另一方面亦能透過美國法制經驗,作為檢討並解決目前國內法制及實務運作與解釋上所出現的各項困難及疑義的參考。 經由本文之研究結果,正當法律程序原則的主要目的在於保障人民的權益,避免受到政府恣意行為之侵害,故在解釋與運用該原則之際,亦必須以此為出發點。然因政府資源的有限性,當面對「行政經濟」與「人民權益保障」衝突之際,本文以為行政機關在決定應踐行何種程序機制時,應以美國法上「利益衡量(Balancing Test)」輔以我國憲法上的「比例原則」,作為權衡政府與個人利益衝突的重要指標。


Early before the Administrative Procedure Act is announced, the practices of the administrative law is restricted by due process. The Grand Justices have applied the “ due process of law” to our legal system through their interpretations. Moreover, when the administrative agency acts the administrative behavior, it should obey the legal procedure norm in order to coincide the spirit of legal state, which admitted by educational circles and practice. It is even considered that the administrative procedure law which is made and announced by the president’s order on February 3, 1999 has implemented and specified the principle by regulating different administrative behaviors of the administrative agency. However, what kind of process is “due”?Is the Administrative Procedure Act nowadays enough to ensure the conception of the procedural protection in the due process of law? Then, what’s the conceptual meaning of the due process of law?What is the standard of judging whether the administrative behavior accords the due process of law? How could we solve the problems about applying and explaining domestic relevant regulations of administrative adjudication at present if considering from the point of view of the “due process of law”? The research approach of this thesis adopts historical analysis and comparative jurisprudence way. The foreign language references are based on the lessons from the APA of American and practices of court mainly. With the going on of above-mentioned research approaches, on one hand, we clarify the initial purpose of the due process of law for attempting to search the goal when the administrative procedure implements the principle, and on the other hand, we use the experience of United States as the reference of making a self-criticism and solving problems of the practice and explanation of domestic legal system. From the author’s point of view, the main purpose of the due process of law lies in ensuring the people's rights and interests and the government's arbitrary behavior, which we regard as the starting point when explaining and practicing this principle. When we face the conflicts between the costs of government and the interests of people under limited government resource, the administrative agency should, in the author’s opinion, regards “balancing test” in the legal system of United States and the “proportion principle” of constitution of our country as the important index when weighing the conflicts of interests between the government and the individual.




