  • 期刊





After the ruling of Daimler AG sued Taiwanese vehicle headlamp manufacturer DEPO was issued by Taiwan IP Court in 2017, certain legislators proposed the introduction of a repair clause on 24 April 2020 to the Legislative Yuan. The very controversial proposed amendment to Article 136 of Patent Act states that "the effect of a design patent right shall not extend to where the parts are applied in restoring the original appearance of a car or a vehicle for a maintenance purpose". The stakeholders who support repair clause argues that the adoption by Directive 98/71/EC a provision exempting certain spare parts from design protection is a clear evidence that the patent rights acquired for the appearance of auto parts after being protected should not be improperly extended to the after market. However, the EU has been discussing for more than ten years of the inclusion of the repair clause on design rights limitation. Whether in the EU or the national legislation, there exist a complete context with comprehensive legal and economic research and supporting measures together with the legal provions. This article first analyzes the legislative considerations and compromises of the EU repair clause. Then, taking France as an example to explore its challenging legislation history. This article investigates as well the judgment of the European Court of Justice on the repair clause of the EU design rights. It further looks into the cases' rationale and their influence toward national courts. Finally, in response to the proposed legislators' edition amendment of Article 136 of Patent Law, the author criticize the rough drafting provisions and request Taiwanese Legislators and authorities should carefully consider the pros and cons of repair clauses when making a final decision.


湯德宗、吳信華、陳淳文,論違憲審查制度的改進—由「多元多軌」到「一元單軌」,憲法解釋之理論與實務(四),中央研究院法律學研究所,2005 年 5 月。
謝銘洋,智慧財產權法,元照,2020 年 9 月。
王立達,售後市場拒絕授權之競爭法評價與誠實信用原則:智慧財產法院賓士車燈設計專利侵害案一審判決評析,公平交易季刊第 28 卷第 4 期,2020 年 12 月,頁 1-42。
李素華,設計專利權保護與權利行使—從維修免責條款之立法提案與新進訴訟案談起,專利師第 44 期,2021 年 1 月,頁 96。
李素華,我國設計專利制度之檢討:以德國及歐盟立法例為比較初探,國立臺灣大學法學論叢第 50 卷第 2 期,2021 年 6 月,頁 475-551。
