  • 期刊


Fathers' Experiences of Caring Their Child with Serious Chronic Illness



慢性病兒大都必須靠其父母親每天的照顧才能存活,往往帶給家庭長期的衝擊和艱辛的教養過程。目前從父母親角度探討有關每天照顧慢性病兒的研究仍相當缺乏(Coyne, 1995)。但父親在傳統文化的期待下,背負之壓力不小於母親(李翠敏、黃美智、民83),且父親是否參照顧病兒,對母親及其婚姻關係有莫大的影響(willoughby & Glidden, 1995)。本研究為探索性研究,在探討父母親對照顧家中長期重度慢性疾病兒的經驗感受,本文僅針對父親部份作一探討。以立意取樣,採質性研究法,依據訪談大綱作面對面開放式訪談。於某衛生所收案管理及志願參與者為研究對象,共十位父親。訪談內容以錄音記錄,依Miles和Huberman(1994)質性研究分析法分析資料。 研究結果為:(1)疾病方面:包括醫療措施、未來發展做計劃,以及調整性作法;(2)本身方面包括情緒方面、認知方面,以及社會方面;(3)家庭方面:包括家中其他小孩方面及經濟因素。 本研究結果可提供護理人員於協助家中患有慢性病兒之父親照顧時之參考,使病兒獲得一個完整良好的照護品質。


Child with serious chronic illness lived depended on parent's daily care and left long-term impact and hard rear process. There is a dearth of research which focuses upon parents perspectives and expectations of participation (Coyne 1995). This was an exploratory study. It was initially explore the lived experiences of parents caring their child with serious chronic illness. According to result, the present study was focus on fathers data. Ten fathers who were taking caring their child with serious chronic illness participated. This study was conducted by a qualitative method and purposive sampling. Data were collected through face to face interviews following the semi-structured interviewed guide. The method of inductive data analysis used was the method described by Miles and Hurberman (1994) to identify themes and categories. The present study showed the lived experience of fathers caring their child with serious chronic illness could be categorized as following: (1) the perception of illness included medical management, the future planning, rearrangement. (2) parents' emotional, cognitive and social perceptions. (3) other related family including the perceptions of other children of family and economic situation. These results provide informative knowledge intrinsic to the fathers perceptions in caring their chronic illness child. We suggest that by equipping the nurses with such information will improve the quality of home caring for these sick child.


