  • 期刊


New Era of Flight Nurse: International Aeromedical Transport




International aeromedical transport service is one of the major focuses of national health policy, and it is also an important factor that may facilitate the medical internationalization of Taiwan. In this special professional realm, flight nurses and flight doctors needs to work together to help the patient overcome the change of their physiology at high altitude with low-pressure when flying internationally or intercontinentally. To meet the demand of international medical transport services, a new role of flight nurse was developed. Nurse professionals who are interested in the new role need to well prepare themselves to meet the great challenge of the medical internationalization. In this paper, we will introduce the trend of the international aeromedical transport service, the training and roles of flight nurses, and prospect of the international aeromedical transport service from nursing point of view. Hopefully, it may provide health professionals who want to devote themselves to the international aeromedical transport with the information they needed for further educational training or for transport missions, so that the quality of the international aeromedical transport may be promoted to meet the great needs of medical internationalization.


