

心房撲動(Atrial flutter)是一種心室上心搏過速(Supraventricular tachycardia)的一種,通常由心房中產生的過早電氣衝動(Premature electrical impulse)引起,發病率為一年當中每10萬人就有88例。心房撲動有可能是無症狀產生,常見症狀包含呼吸急促、胸痛、頭暈及噁心,長期的心房撲動可能會使心臟失去代償能力,甚至產生心臟衰竭。本篇文章參考美國空軍醫務教範(2019)、我國空軍醫務教範(2015)以及其他國家的空軍教範,整理出關於心房撲動的航空醫學考量及缺點免計問題。若是單次發作、可治癒、沒有其他次發性因素、藥物控制良好及導管燒灼術後的心房撲動,可考慮行缺點免計;然而像是其他因素,例如飛行員的飛行時數、飛行資格及飛行模式也必須列入考慮。


Atrial flutter a cardiac arrhythmia of supraventricular origin, typically caused by premature electrical impulse arising in the atria, with a general incidence of 88 cases per 100,000 person-years. Atrial flutter can sometimes be asymptomatic; if not, symptoms may include shortness of breath, chest pain, lightheadedness or dizziness, and nausea. Long-term atrial flutter with rapid heart rates may lead to decompensation, i.e. heart failure. The authors reviewed USAF Waiver Guide, R.O.C. AF Flight Surgeon Guide, along with guidance from three other countries to integrate recommendations for the waiver of pilots with atrial flutter. Atrial flutter which is single-episode, correctable, without other secondary factors, well-controlled with medication, or after ablation, may be considered for a waiver. However, other non-medical factors, e.g. pilots' flight hours, flight qualifications and airframes should also be put into consideration.
