  • 期刊


The Effects of Smoking Prevention Intervention on Smoking Knowledge, Attitudes and Anti-smoking Self-efficacy among Adolescent Students in Rural Taiwan


目標:吸菸是青少年常出現的成癮行為之一。長期使用有害健康,會造成家庭與社會成本的浪費,是政府與醫療衛生專業團體不可輕忽的重要議題。本研究目的在建構偏鄉青少年的菸害防治課程,檢測其在菸害知識、態度及拒菸自我效能的成效。方法:本研究採類實驗法(quasi-experimental design)前後測設計,選取1073位中部某兩所完全中學之7、8、10、11年級學生為研究對象。實驗組接受上下學期共5次的「菸害防治課程」,每次50分鐘;對照組則沒有接受介入。在介入前1週進行吸菸知識、態度及自我效能之問卷調查,課程結束後1週內進行後測,自填式結構問卷包括背景資料、吸菸知識、吸菸態度及拒菸自我效能等。結果與臨床應用:結果發現,國中組不論在吸菸知識、態度或拒菸自我效能皆無顯著成效,而高中生在知識及拒菸自我效能極具顯著成效。建議此課程可以推廣於偏鄉高中學校。


Objectives: Smoking is a common addictive behavior among teenagers. Long-term smoking is hazardous to health, increasing family and social expenditure. It is an important topic that should not be overlooked by academia or the government. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of smoking prevention courses on teenagers' knowledge about, attitudes towards the hazards of smoking, and self-efficacy in rejecting smoking. Methods: This study adopted a quasi-experimental design with pretest-posttest design and selected 7th, 8th, 10th, and 11th graders from two junior high schools (n=1073). The experimental group received a total of 5 sessions of "smoke prevention courses" for 50 minutes each, and the control group did not. The self-completed questionnaires included background information, knowledge about and attitudes towards smoking, and anti-smoking self-efficacy. Results and clinical applications: After course intervention, it was found that the intervention showed significant efficacy in terms of knowledge and self-efficacy in anti-smoking in senior high school students but not in junior high school students. We recommend that this course can be used in the local senior high schools.


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