  • 期刊


Cigarette Smoking Behavior and Related Factors among Students in Junior High Schools: An Example of Taichung County


目的:探討台中縣地區國中生吸菸行為與菸害認知、態度、重要他人的吸菸經驗、菸商之促銷及媒體廣告、反菸資訊及學校課程因素之相關性。 方法:針對台中縣地區一至三年級國中生為對象。採用集束抽樣,以學校為單位,選取10所樣本學校,共30個班級。使用「全球青少年菸草調查」(Global Youth Tobacco Survey, GYTS)問卷收集吸菸行為及其相關影響因素。共取得有效樣本901份,回覆率為95.6%。最後使用邏輯斯迴歸分析吸菸行為及其影響因素。 結果:台中縣國中生目前吸菸者佔9.10%(男性佔10.61%,女性佔5.69%)。多變項邏輯斯迴歸分析中,發現好友吸菸的學生相較於好友沒吸菸的學生,在吸菸率的危險比為4.93倍(95% CI: 2.56-9.48);有接受菸商提供免費香菸的學生會吸菸的危險比是沒有接受菸商免費香菸的2.47倍(95% CI: 1.26-4.83);沒有接受過菸品對健康的影響相關課程的學生相對於曾經接受此類課程的學生會吸菸的危險比為2.09倍(95% CI: 1.13-3.88)。 結論:本研究結果建議政府及衛生單位應嚴格執行菸害防治政策以杜絕青少年有機會接觸菸商提供免費香菸;學校應發展適合青少年的菸害防制教材介入課程,並教導拒絕的技巧和抗拒同儕壓力,以降低國中生的吸菸行為。


GYTS 吸菸行為 國中生 台中縣


Objectives: To explore tobacco knowledge, attitudes, the experience of smoking in significant others, tobacco marketing and media advertising, anti-smoking information, as well as the school tobacco-related curriculum impact on student's smoking behavior in junior high school, Taichung. Methods: Cluster sampling was used to obtain a representative sample (n=901 with 95.6 % of response rate) among 1st to 3rd graders from 10 junior high schools in Taichung, Taiwan in 2009. We used high validity and reliability Chinese version Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) questionnaire to collect smoking behavior and its related factors. Logistic regression models were used to examine the influence variables on smoking status of school students. Results: There were 9.10% of current smokers among junior high school students (10.61% of male and 5.69% of female). Compared to non-smokers, current smokers were found to be more likely to have smoking friends (Adjusted odds ratio (aOR)=4.93, 95% CI: 2.56-9.48); have ever received free cigarettes from the tobacco company (aOR=2.47, 95% CI: 1.26-4.83), and have received tobacco prevention curriculum/activities (aOR=2.09, 95% CI: 1.13-3.88). Conclusion: The results further suggest that the government and health agencies should strictly enforce tobacco control policies to prevent youth access to free cigarettes by tobacco companies; schools should develop suitable tobacco control intervention programs including refusal skills and resist peer pressure in order to reduce the smoking behavior initiated in junior high school students.


