  • 學位論文


The Effects of the Treatments of Smoking Scenes in Animations on Adolescents' Attitudes toward Smoking

指導教授 : 林育聖


2010年,臺灣的某電視台在播出含有吸菸行為之卡通動畫時,自發性地將畫面中之菸品以薄霧遮蓋,並在畫面旁嵌入「抽菸動作,請勿模仿」等警告標語再行播出。此舉造成部分收視觀眾針對因畫面處理而遭破壞之收視觀感提出反彈,最後以電視台取消薄霧遮蓋處理、僅於片頭播放拒菸宣導短片以及片中畫面嵌入拒菸標語作結。   研究者由時事議題出發,以卡通動畫中之吸菸畫面為研究本體,探討以薄霧遮蓋吸菸畫面是否有阻擋青少年獲得吸菸訊息之效果,連帶了解不同的畫面處理方式是否影響觀看青少年對吸菸行為形象的觀感和拒菸意向,另外亦探討觀看者對影片、人物的偏好或觀感是否對其吸菸行為形象觀感、拒菸意向有所影響。   本研究以國小六年級學生為對象,以2x2x2三因子準實驗設計,讓受試者觀看對吸菸畫面進行「片頭警語標示」、「局部薄霧處理」、「片中警語標示」三自變項交叉處理之卡通動畫影片,觀看完畢後以問卷測量受試者之菸品訊息回憶度、吸菸行為形象觀感、拒菸意向,以及其他觀看者態度變項包含影片喜好、吸菸角色喜好、吸菸角色形象觀感等。   研究結果發現:   一、三種吸菸畫面處理方式對觀看者之拒菸意向、吸菸行為形象觀感影響皆有限;   二、局部薄霧遮蓋可降低觀看者回憶菸品訊息的程度,但同時標示片中警語則反而提高菸品回憶度;   三、觀看者對吸菸角色的喜好程度越高,其對吸菸行為形象觀感的負向程度越低。   本研究可作為未來影視媒體播放時,吸菸畫面處理方式之相關政策規範制定之參考。


青少年 吸菸畫面 拒菸 菸品置入


In 2010, an animation aired on a TV station in Taiwan was covered up with haze on cigarette items and for some scenes in this animation were also embedded with warning words such as “Don’t intimate smoking action.” This act results in many complaints with the haze process, and this TV station only embedded the warning words with the smoking actions in the animation, or played a short film in the opening of the animation to advocate audience not to smoke. In this study, the researcher used the scenes where characters took smoke as subject to discuss that if covering smoking action with haze would have the effects on the adolescent getting information. Besides, this study intended to find out the effectiveness of the three different treatments of smoking scenes. Furthermore, this study also inspected the effects of other related variables, for instance, the habits for audience with film or character. This study employed a 2x2x2 three-factorial between subjects design with three independent variables: warning words in opening, partial haze process, and warning words during the smoking scenes in the animation. After subjects watching the animation, following information was collected with questionnaire: cigarettes recall, behavior perception for smoking, and the anti-smoking attitude. In addition, subjects’ habits with the animation, habits with characters and image for characters in the animation were also included in the analyses. The results of analyses indicated: 1. The difference between three methods to influence audiences’ perceptions and attitudes are limited. 2. Partial haze process could reduce the level to recall cigarette item; meanwhile, the warning words in animations lift up the recalling level. 3. Audiences who like the characters with smoking action have the less negative attitudes for smoking behaviors than other audience who did not like the characters. The results of this study could help the authority to make laws or regulations on playing this kind of video media in the future.


adolescent smoking scene animation anti-smoking


王家甄、嚴雅音、林碧莉、彭武德、黃曉靈(2010).國中生吸菸行為之相關因素探討:以台中縣為例.Taiwan Journal of Oral Medicine Sciences,26(2),135-150。
