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The Nursing Experiences of Caring a Preschool Child with Pneumonia by Using Therapeutic Games to Enhance Resilience




Pneumonia often occurs in preschool children and can potentially be fatal This article used therapeutic games to improve the recovery of resilience in a preschool child with pneumonia. This article adapted the Gordon's Eleven Health Function Assessments to evaluate the patient from April 18 to 21, 2019. The health problems included: high temperature, respiratory clearance failure, and fear. During the caring process, the activities based on the concept of resilience as well as the child’s cognitive development and preferences were designed. As a result, the child could understand the changes of body temperature, promote lung expansion and sputum elimination, cooperate with chest physical therapy, and reduce resisting behaviors to treatments. The plan helped the child to cope with pressure and discomfort and enhance self-resilience.


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