  • 期刊


The Nursing Experience of Caring an Anti NMDA Receptor Encephalitis Patient




The article describes the author's nursing experience of caring for an anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis patient since 2019/03/07 to 2019/04/01. Observations, physical examinations, conversation by writing and listening were performed during hospitalization and an assessment based on Gordon's-eleven-function-health patterns was done. The major nursing problems included impaired physical mobility, impaired verbal communication and stress of caregiver. The author built a trusting relationship with the patient and the caregiver by caring and company. Customized rehabilitation program was arranged after discussion with the patient and the rehabilitation team to progressively improve physical activity function. For speech communication barrier, first use a tablet PC to establish a simple communication mode; then increase the vocabulary with daily life word cards, and increase oral expression by group therapy. The author provided relevant disease information and skills to deal with emotional conflict to the caregiver. The social worker introduce the program for alternating caring with the professional worker which is recruited by the government. This program would release the stress of long-term caring. Religious teacher also provided psychological support. At present, there is little experience in caring for patient who is diagnosed with this disease in Taiwan. The initial clinical symptoms are hard to distinguish from other diseases. Health educational pamphlet about Anit - NMDA receptor encephalitis should be published to general public by the hospital. The author hopes that this article can be served as a clinical care reference for other nurses taking care of similar cases in the future.


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