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Analysis of Social Network Support for Rare-Disease Patients From a Social Capital Perspective




Social capital, a social network-based resource, facilitates online interactions through mutual interaction and trust, promotes exchanges of information and resources, and helps the members of discrete social networks achieve their goals. Social capital, which is generated mainly through network-based relationships, interpersonal trust and norms, and other social organizations, may be accessed and used as a personal resource. Some scholars have asserted that social capital affects personal health, with individuals with strong social capital experiencing improved rates of survival, better quality of life, and lower stressors. Moreover, social capital has been positively correlated with overall personal health. This article uses rare-disease patients as its sample to explore the health-related relationships among social capital, vulnerable groups, and rare diseases. It is expected to clarify from a social perspective the role of social capital in the utilization of individual health and healthcare services and to provide a reference for the clinical care of these patients and their families.


social capital network support rare disease


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