  • 期刊


"Yu Yi Ji Lue" Refutes the Comment on Yang Shen's "Lue" in Chen Yaowen's Zhengyang




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WangYangming was the major leader in the Neo-Confucian School of Mind that also was mainstream in the middle of the Ming Dynasty. This School of principle developed the idea of innate consciousness, arguing that the writing was not valuable to society, so cause problems for the decline of classical literature. Most scholars worried about this situation and sought to correct these mistakes in the literary circles in the Ming Dynasty. Yang Shen (1488~1559) was one of the representative scholars. As a result of the Great rites controversy, he was exiled to Yunnan. He spent over 30 years in Yunnan and continued his career writing for this period. Although he lived in the wasteland, he still did his best to read canon of literary works. He was good at making a survey of the classics and historical reference and then produced a substantial amount of commentary inspired by the classical literature and sage's speech. His famous work is the Danqian zonglu, Danqian zalu, Duyuan tihu, Yilin fashan, etc. On the other hand, some other scholars didn't accept his opinions on Yang Shen's books; they also produced an amount of writing to refute Yang Shen's comment on his books. For instance, in the volume 4 of Zhengyang, Chen Yaowen (about 1523~1619) criticized Yang Shen's with his own thought and corrected his mistakes, specifically ”Yu yi ji lue” is one of the famous examples of Chen's review.Chen Yaowen made a survey of Classic of History, Zuo Zhuan, Mencius, Records of the Grand Historian, and Book of Han to compare the definitions of word ”lue.” In fact, he thought Yang's review is inappropriate because he overlook the extended meaning of the word ”lue.” In the end of ”Yu yi ji lue,” Chen said: ”the word ”fu” with lots of definitions, Yang's speech is improper.”


