  • 期刊


Solving the Crew Scheduling Problem by A Two-Stage 0-1 Integer Programming Model


捷運系統為公共運輸系統之一,具備全年無休、營運時間長的服務特性,而站務人員排班時除需符合相關法規規定外,在營運時間內亦均需有人員執勤以服務旅客,因此其排班特性即有別於一般企業,以台北捷運公司為例,目前係利用人工方式處理排班問題,不論在時效上或特殊事件的應變彈性均受到限制,特別未來捷運系統規模逐年擴大後,此一現象將更形嚴重。本研究旨在透過對捷運系統站務人員排班特性的探討,運用數學規劃(Mathematical Programming)方法,構建兩階段之排班模式。研究結果顯示:該模式將可取代現行的人工作業方式,提昇作業效率,同時更可充分反應如每週最小工時或排班循環規則改變對人員排班的影響,對於未來人數逐年擴大的捷運站務人員更可提早妥善規劃,增加捷運系統營運機構企業競爭力。


A crew scheduling problem arises in the Taipei Rapid Transit Company (TRTC) because it solves this extremely complex problem manually. However, it is difficult for planners or schedulers now to quickly develop new crew schedules for any new crew demand or any change in crew work rules. We formulate this problem as a two-stage 0-1 Integer Programming model. A crew scheduling case study including four scheduling scenarios is conducted. The results indicate that the performance of the proposed model is superior to the current manual scheduling model of TRTC. In addition, it is easy to use our model to analyze the influence of various crew schedules. This will provide a use our tool for planners to improve the quality of the TRTC's service.
