  • 期刊


A Study of Job Dilemma and Career Resilience of Tour Bus Driver




Tour bus drivers gave a full statement to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and wished Taiwanese government to take care of their basic income and rights. Previous studies have not completely explored the career resilience about tour bus drivers. Hence, the purpose of this study is to uncover the career resilience of tour bus drivers. Qualitative research and in-depth interviews with 24 respondents were conducted to collect data on their experience of career development. Through content analysis, the results found that it was common for the tour bus drivers to develop physical and mental illnesses and negative emotions in the dilemma. To deal with these challenges, the tour bus drivers developed these strategies: get over dilemma by self, adapt to the dilemma, lifelong learning, patience, and ask for assistance. Using these strategies can help with career advancement and resilience. The contribution of this study is to propose the resilience process of tour bus drivers and provide a foundation for building future theoretical concepts of related constructs. Managerial implications are proposed for government and tour bus companies to train qualified people to meet the needs of tour bus driver.


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