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An Explorative Research on the Relationships Among Taiwanese Adolescents' Significant Life Experiences and Environmental Behaviors With the Mediation of Connection With Nature




The Significant Life Experience (SLE) research in the past 40 years has found that nature experiences, family, education, environmental knowledge and information, and an interest in the environmental study were influential experiences for adults’ Environmental Behaviors (EBs). Meanwhile, for past 15 years, the research in conservation psychology has indicated that adult’s Connection With Nature (CWN) can predict EBs. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to combine the findings of environmental education and conservation psychology to explore the relationships among SLEs, CWN, and EBs and to test the mediation effect of CWN. However, existing research focused much more on adults in western cultures. Due to the lack of research data in Asian areas and adolescent population, we surveyed 616 Taiwanese adolescents in Taichung City in Central Taiwan through quota sampling and conducted a path analysis. We found that: (1) All six SLEs proposed by this research can directly or indirectly predict the entire EB. Bedsides, each SLE had its own specific predictability on three different EBs-ecological managements in daily life, persuasion of other people, and citizen engagement. (2) Four SLEs can predict adolescents' CWN. Especially the frequency of outdoor activities in both neighborhood and remote natural areas had the strongest predictability. (3) CWN was a significant mediator to partially mediate the influence of both kinds of outdoor activities on entire EB, and to completely mediate between environmental knowledge, the interest in environmental majors, and entire EB. (4) In terms of the total effect, CWN was most predictive to entire EB and all three kinds of EBs among all variables. Based on those findings, we recommended future research designs in SLE and CWN and proposed practical educational strategies for outdoor environmental education.


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