  • 期刊


Research of the Imitation of Mencius's Thought




孟子 子思 曾子 孔子 大學 中庸 揚雄 韓愈


The scholar discussed about Mencius's imitation for centuries, which has still not a conclusion. In fact, Mencius never said he followed the conception of Zisi. A famous historian Sima Qian said ”Mencius's thought comes from Confucius disciple”, which is undoubtedly, but scholars had interpreted it with many opinions, and still no consensus.This article research into Mencius's thought and idea. The major information has ”The Analects of Mencius”, The Doctrine of University”, ”The doctrine of the Mean”, and the studies of various scholars.I made some points to make a exposition:<1>Identification of Zisi's disciples.<2>A review of the thinking of Zeng Zi and Zi Si.<3>Research of Zi Si is the disciple of Confucius, but Mencius was not.Although Mencius had his academic distinctions, but he was lonely for hundreds of years. Pre-Qin dynasty Regarded him as a philosopher. From Han dynasty to Wei-Jin Six dynasty only Yang Xiong can be compared with him. The scholar of Tang dynasty Han Yu can realized him a little. But in Song dynasty, Mencius's theory was respected by everyone. The emperor of Ming dynasty Zhou Yen Zhong looked down on him. As for today, no statement.

