  • 學位論文


A Study On The Versions And The Cited Bibliography Of “The Leishuo”

指導教授 : 盧錦堂


宋代曾慥《類說》是一部雜纂類之書籍,收錄先秦至南宋初之筆記、小說二百六十餘種,其內容雖經節引,但因其中包括不少宋以後散佚之書,學者常能通過輯佚《類說》中的引文,一窺古籍面貌,為學術研究帶來新課題。《四庫全書總目提要》即云:「南宋之初,古籍多存,慥又精於裁鑑,故所甄錄大都遺文僻典,可以裨助多聞。」其多存佚文之特點,對古代文獻之研究有莫大助益。 本文以曾慥《類說》之版本與引書研究為主題,然而今日通行之明代天啟刊本,實非《類說》初出原貌,考察現今所遺諸家版本,在卷數、引書、文字內容方面各有異同。文中首先介紹作者之生平與著作,說明其編纂此書之時代及文化背景,進而認知全書之編纂體例。為蒐羅《類說》諸家版本資料,除國內所藏善本,又曾造訪北京大學圖書館、中國國家圖書館、中國科學院國家科學圖書館、上海圖書館、南京圖書館、日本靜嘉堂文庫等重要古籍收藏單位,稽覽現存諸家鈔本。繼而釐清各版本間異同、剖析版本源流;之後,決定採用上海圖書館所藏清五十卷鈔本為底本,逐一考析《類說》引書條目,並輔以叢書、類書、筆記、小說等相關材料,考察傳本佚文,為本論文重點所在。最後,探討《類說》之文獻價值、對後世纂輯類書籍之影響,以及檢討其書編纂上之缺失。 期望通過本文之研究,能對《類說》整體面貌有所揭示,使此書在未來更適切地被運用在學術研究上,發揮其價值。


曾慥 類說 雜纂 類書


“The Leishuo” is a collection of short stories (the Miscellaneous writings), compiled by Zeng Zao in the Song Dynasty. Over two hundred and sixty notes and fiction from before the Qin Dynasty to the early Nan Song period were included in “The Leishuo” in which many of lost books after the Song Dynasty were cited. Scholars believe through the citation of “The Leishuo” they can have a glimpse of ancient books appearance and bring a new topic for academic research. “Sikuquanshuzongmutiyao” says “There are many ancient books at the beginning of Nan Song, Zeng Zao has the ability to appreciate them. Therefore, the lost and rare books in “The Leishuo” are informative. ” One of the features of “The Leishuo” is collection of the lost texts, which offers a great help in study of ancient literature. The topic of this paper is to study on the versions and the cited bibliography of “The Leishuo” written by Zeng Zao. However, the most common version- Ming Dynasty Tien-Chi edition is not the original edition of “The Leishuo”. By examining other versions, we can see the number of volumes, cited books, and texts are different in many ways. In this paper, description of the author's life and writings is firstly introduced, and explanation on the historical and cultural background comes next. Furthermore, the format in its compilation and printing are stated. In order to collect various versions of “The Leishuo”, I don't only read the domestic collection of rare books, but also read the existing hand-written books by visiting Peking University Library, National Library of China, National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Library, Nanjing Library, Seikado Bunko Library.Then clarified the similarities and differences between versions, analyzed the origins of versions. I decided to use the Shanghai Library's collection of 50-volume hand-written book in the Qing Dynasty as the master copy. The purpose of this paper is to analyze each entry of “The Leishuo” and study the lost texts with supplement of Ancient Series, Genus-book(Encyclopedias), notes, fiction and other related materials. Finally, explore the value of “The Leishuo” in Chinese literature, of the impact on the later redaction, and review the drawbacks of codification. By revealing the overall appearance “The Leishuo”, I hope this book can be used in academic research appropriately as a valued tool in the future.




