  • 期刊


The Application of ITI Dental Implant System for Restoration in the Partial Edentulous Area Due to Trauma: Case Report



牙齒外傷(trauma)在牙科急診中是常見的。對於外傷導致牙齒脫落、拔除而造成的缺牙區,一般來說,不外乎以傳統式的固定或活動假牙來贗復。然而現今人工植牙及引導骨再生術(guided bone regeneration)之技術已臻成熟,長期結果亦已受肯定,所以以人工植牙來作為外傷缺牙區之治療方法,亦可提供另一種治療選擇。本病例報告是一位二十九歲女性患者,其左上側門牙,因外傷斷裂而拔除,由於患者可以接受植牙,因此採delay-immediate implantation方式,於拔牙後三週植入ITI hollow cylinder,直徑3.5mm、長度12mm之植體,合併以脫鈣冷凍乾燥骨粉(DFDBA)及Atrisorb®再生材料施行引導骨再生術完成第一階段埋入式手術,術後情況良好,經過6個月做第二階段露出手術;同時以結締組織移植(connective tissue graft)作軟組織增大術(soft tissue augmentation)以解決唇側塌陷的問題,並於數週後完成贗復,贗復完成至今一年使用狀況良好,因此提出報告,由本案例可發現人工植牙對外傷缺牙的贗復也是另一種不錯的治療選擇。


Dental trauma due to motorcycle traffic accident is common in Taiwan. The hopeless tooth is removed and the missing tooth is usually restored with conventional restoration either fixed bridge or removable partial denture. Dental implant and guided bone regeneration (GBR) have been demonstrated to be predictable in clinical application. Our case, 29 year-old female, was suffered from a motorcycle traffic accident. She lost her maxillary lateral incisor and was decided to have implant restoration. Four weeks later, an ITI pre-angled hollow cylinder implant was submerged. The labial bony dehiscence was covered by DFDBA and Atrisorb® regenerative material. Primary closure of soft tissue flap was achieved. Six months later, second stage surgery to connect abutment was performed and a connective tissue graft was inserted on the labial side to augment soft tissue contour. Finally a single porcelain crown with transversal lingual screw was restored. The final result was satisfied. The implant condition is stable after 12 months follow-up. This case demonstrates implant restoration is a good treatment choice for missing tooth due to trauma.
