  • 期刊


Effects of Enamel Matrix Derivative on Periodontal Cells: A Literature Review of in Vitro Studies


本文回顧牙釉基質衍生物(enamel matrix derivative; EMD)在活體外對牙周組織細胞的影響,結果發現EMD會促使牙周膜纖維母細胞及牙齦纖維母細胞附連,但卻不會促使上皮細胞附連,且牙周膜纖維母細胞比牙齦纖維母細胞附連快。EMD也會促使牙周膜纖維母細胞及牙齦纖維母細胞增生,也不會對上皮細胞增生反而有抑制的結果,不同的是牙齦纖維母細胞比牙周膜纖維母細胞增生還多且快。EMD也會促使牙骨質母細胞增生及影響骨分化,但文獻太少。EMD對骨母細胞則呈現差異,可能和骨母細胞的成熟度有關,但仍以支持EMD促進骨母細胞增生者較多。EMD也能促進其他細胞如濾泡細胞(follicle cell)、多潛能間葉細胞及骨髓細胞增生。EMD會促使牙周膜纖維母細胞及牙齦纖維母細胞加快生物合成,對上皮細胞和骨母細胞則沒有此現象。EMD也會促使牙周膜纖維母細胞釋放生長因子。除了牙齦纖維母細胞之外,EMD對牙周膜纖維母細胞、骨母細胞、骨髓細胞及多潛能間葉細胞都能促進其骨分化。至於其附連、增生及骨分化的可能機轉還需要更多的研究證明。


This article reviewed the in vitro study about enamel matrix derivative (EMD) to periodontal regeneration-related cell. EMD enhance gingival fibroblast and periodontal fibroblast attachment not the epithelial cell, and the periodontal fibroblast is faster, but the mechanism need more research. EMD also enhance gingival fibroblast and periodontal fibroblast proliferation, the former is faster. EMD inhibit epithelial cell proliferation. EMD enhance cementoblast proliferation and effect bone differentiation. EMD enhance osteoblast proliferation, but may related cell type, cell maturation. EMD also enhance dental follicle cell, pluripotential mesenchymal cell and bone marrow cell proliferation. EMD enhance gingival fibroblast and periodontal fibroblast biosynthesis not the epithelial cell and osteoblast. EMD also induce periodontal fibroblast to product growth factor. EMD enhance periodontal fibroblast and osteoblast and dental follicle cell, pluripotential mesenchymal cell and bone marrow cell proliferation and bone differentiation, not in gingival fibroblast.
