  • 期刊


Incomplete Osteointegration of one-staged Nonsubmerged Implant Placement: Case Report


一階段非埋入式人工植牙已經是相當成熟的術式,也是目前植牙術式的主流之一。我們的七年累積成功率高達96%,然而在極少數的情況下卻發生骨整合不完全的現象,本文提出一病例並探討可能發生的原因。患者爲男性43歲,在本院接受植牙贗復治療,其中在右上第一大臼齒區利用osteotome technique合併自體骨植入一支一階段非理入式人工植牙。三個月後開始製作牙冠,患者無任何不適。當對側需要植牙拍攝牙科電腦斷層時才發現右上第一大臼齒植體周圍有radiolucent的現象,臨床檢查除近遠心有6-7mm的探測深度外並無任何不適。由於不是常態因此決定翻瓣探究原因並加以補救。手術時發現近遠心有4-5mm的骨缺損,植體表面經處理後,骨缺損處用自體骨充填。術後情況良好,組識學檢查發現都是表皮細胞與纖維組識。目前已持續追蹤一年四個月,臨床及放射檢查均良好且穩定。


One-stage non-submerged implant placement is one of main implant treatments. Our 7-year cumulative success rate is 96%, however, incomplete osseointegration is found in very rare situation. In this report we present a case with incomplete osseointegration. A 43 year-old male patient received a one-stage non-submerged implant with osteotome technique and autogenous bone graft on #16 area. No specific sign and symptom were reported after temporary restoration. The radiolucent around the implant was found in dental CT. Probing depth was around 6-7 mm. We tried to solve the problem with open debridement. During the surgery, a 4-5 mm bony defect was found circumferentially. The defect was filled with autogenous bone. The healing was uneventful. Epithelial cells and fibrous tissue were found in the histological examination. The clinical situation shows stable and panoramic radiograph demonstrates bone fill in the defect after 16-month follow-up.
