  • 期刊


The Relationship between Periodontal Disease and Iatrogenic Acute Maxillary Sinusitis-A Case Report and Literature Review


根據統計在所有上顎竇炎中,大概有10 %到12%是由於齒源性感染所導致,其原因包括根尖周圍膿腫、牙周病、牙齒外傷、不當拔牙以及不當植牙手術等。在解剖相關位置中,上顎後牙的牙根與上顎竇非常接近,一旦患有嚴重牙周病則有很大的機會造成上顎竇感染而導致黏膜產生病變。本文將針對上顎竇黏膜病變與牙周病的關係、相關治療方式,以及比較傳統X光片與電腦斷層於判讀上顎後牙牙根與上顎竇的關係作一完整之探討,並提出一在牙周手術後發生醫源性急性上顎竇炎之相關病例報告,希望能提供類似病例治療時之參考。(台灣牙周醫誌 16:275-288,2011)


An estimated 10% to 12% of cases involving maxillary sinusitis has historically been attributed to odontogenic infections. Conditions that may violate the Schneiderian membrane, such as periapical abscesses, periodontal disease, dental trauma, tooth extractions or placement of dental implants, are thought to increase the risk of maxillary sinusitis.Due to the close contact between the roots of the maxillary posterior teeth and maxillary sinus This article will illustrate, based on a relevant case, the relationship between periodontal disease and the pathologic changes of the Schneiderian membrane in the maxillary sinus, appropriate management, as well as the comparison of traditional radiography and computed tomography on interpreting the relationship between the roots of the maxillary posterior teeth and maxillary sinus. (J Taiwan Periodontol 16: 275-288, 2011)
