  • 期刊


An Interdisciplinary Treatment that Combines Non-Surgical Periodontal Treatment with Prosthetic Reconstruction: A Case Report and Literature Review


本文提出一位58歲女性,罹患全口廣泛性重度慢性牙周炎合併咬合高度喪失,同時有糖尿病和第三期慢性腎臟病,經非手術性牙周病治療合併贋復補綴之病例報告。患者治療前,全口26顆牙齒中,有19顆牙齒的齒槽骨高度剩下不到50%,牙周探測深度介於2 mm到13 mm不等,經過非手術性牙周病治療合併過渡性補綴物之咬合治療,再評估後觀察一年,全口牙周探測深度皆小於5 mm,並且多數牙齒有牙周附連增加,由放射線檢查亦可發現有放射線骨充填。經由非手術性治療及贋復物之重建,病患整體牙周狀況改善,且治療效果穩定。


A 58-year-old female patient who was diagnosed with generalized chronic periodontitis and posterior bite collapse underwent non-surgical periodontal treatment, which was followed by prosthodontic reconstruction. The patient also had diabetes mellitus and type Ⅲ chronic kidney disease. Prior to treatment, among twenty-six teeth, probing depths ranging from 2 mm to 13 mm were found for nineteen teeth. After non-surgical periodontal treatment and provisional prosthesis reconstruction, the probing depth of all teeth was less than 5 mm at the one-year follow-up. Furthermore, there were significant improvements in clinical attachment level for most teeth based on enhanced radiographic bone-like images. In terms of clinical outcome, the patient's periodontium was found to have improved or to be stably maintained after interdisciplinary treatment that combined non-surgical periodontal therapy with prosthetic reconstruction.
