  • 期刊


Doping Control: The Use of Glucocorticosteroids


糖皮質類固醇藥物主要臨床用途為消炎、抗過敏與免疫抑制,2017年在世界運動禁藥管制組織之禁用清單中列於賽內禁用,且規定禁止口服、靜脈注射、肌肉注射或經直腸給藥,近五年(2011 - 2015年)來其各年度陽性率(6%以上)都排在禁用清單十大類中陽性率之第四位。2006-2016年台灣也有多起陽性實例,主要使用之藥物為prednisolone,prednisone與triamcinolone acetonide。我們宜對糖皮質類固醇藥物之禁藥管制規定、劑型、使用途徑與半衰期深入了解,必要時得申請治療用途豁免證明,以獲得在賽內可以使用的權利。


The main therapeutic uses of glucocorticosteroids are anti-inflammatory, anti-hypersensitivity and immunosuppression. Glucocorticosteroids are prohibited in the 2017 Prohibited List published by the World Anti-Doping Agency. They are prohibited in-competition when administered orally, intravenously, intramuscularly or rectally. Over the past five years (2011-2015), the annual positive rate (over 6%) has been consistently ranked in the fourth place among the list of ten categories. In addition, there have been multiple cases of violations in Taiwan, mainly consisting the usage of prednisolone, prednisone and triamcinolone acetonide during 2006 to 2016. It is advisable for us to have a better understanding of the doping regulations, dosage forms, routes of use, and half-lives of glucocorticosteroids, and to apply for a waiver of therapeutic use if necessary to obtain the right to be used in-competition.


Saag KG, Furst DE: Major side effects of systemic glucocorticoids. UpToDate 2016. doi: 10.1507/endocrj1954.12.36"
Chang CW, Huang TY, Tseng YC, et al: Positive doping results caused by the single-dose local injection of triamcinolone acetonide. Forensic Sci Int 2014;244:1-6. doi: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2014.07.024"
藥事法第22條 [Article 22 of the Pharmaceutical Law]."
許美智、詹貴惠:運動藥物學,第三版。高雄台灣,春橋田股份有限公司發行。[Hsu MC, Chan QH: Sports Pharmacology, 3rd edition, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Chunqiao Tian Co., Ltd. Issued, 2012."
World Anti-Doping Agency: The world anti-doping code. The 2017 prohibited list, international standard. https://www.wada- ama.org/en/media/news/2016-09/wada-publishes-2017-prohibited-list./ Accessed January 1, 2017."


