  • 期刊


The Research on the Transformation of Textbooks of Social Studies Teachers


九年一貫課程實施以來,過去全國統一之課程標準已由課程綱要所取代,雖然學校與教師的課程設計權已具有相當的彈性與空間,然而教科書的使用仍然相當普遍,許多教師仍將教科書視為等同於課程,本研究的旨趣就在於探尋社會學習領域教科書對教師的意義,教師轉化教科書所遭遇的問題,教科書轉化為課程後的差距,以及影響教師轉化教科書以實施課程的因素。研究設計以內容分析法針對教科書內涵進行分析,並運用訪談法針對三位國小社會學習領域教師進行資料蒐集,研究結果發現: 一、教科書是教師實施課程的核心工具。 二、教師轉化教科書時遭遇能力限制與壓力束縛等問題。 三、教師的知覺課程、運作課程與教科書之間有差距存在。 四、教育情境、學生狀況、教師特質與課程輔助教材影響教科書的轉化。


The National Curriculum Standard has been displaced by the Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines since the Grade 1-9 Curriculum was implemented in 2001. Although the Guidelines are more flexible for schools and teachers, the textbook-centered phenomenon is still widespread, and many teachers consider the textbooks as curriculum. To inquiry the construction of social studies textbooks for teachers, the dilemma of textbook transformation, the gap produced from textbook transformation, and the factors which affect the curriculum implementation are the interests of the research. The researchers analyzed the content of social studies textbook by using content analysis method, and interviewed with three social studies teachers of elementary school. The results of study include: 1.The textbooks are the inner tools of teachers' practice in curriculum. 2.The teachers are confronted with the dilemmas of ability and pressure in the process of textbook transformation. 3.There are gaps between teachers' perception about curriculum and textbooks, and between teachers' operation of curriculum and textbooks. 4.The educational circumstance, the characteristics of pupils and teachers, and curriculum materials are factors that affected the transformation of textbooks.


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