  • 學位論文


A Case Study about the Knowledge Ideology of Elementary Social Studies Textbooks

指導教授 : 游家政


本研究以內容分析法探討99學年度出版之A版本國民小學社會學習領域教科書的知識意識型態(含括該版本生活課程教科書中社會學習領域內容)。本研究將國民小學社會學習領域教科書的知識意識型態歸納為三種立場、六種取向,分別是:⑴客觀立場觀念啟思取向;⑵客觀立場經驗認識取向;⑶互動立場學科認知歷程取向;⑷互動立場社會實用取向;⑸轉化立場自我感知取向;⑹轉化立場社會行動取向。探討重點為:⑴各類型知識意識型態的分布情形;⑵分析各類型知識意識型態在教科書中展現的樣貌。歸納研究結果,獲得以下結論: ⑴全套教科書整體而言,以客觀立場的知識意識型態為主,其次是互動立場,轉化立場比例較低。知識意識型態取向上,以經驗認識取向為首,其次是社會實用取向,自我感知取向和學科認知歷程取向居第三,社會行動取向和觀念啟思取向最少。 ⑵觀念啟思取向教材甚少僅3.6%,且集中出現在第三學習階段的歷史教材中。 ⑶經驗認識取向次數百分比41.8%為最高,是主要的知識意識型態,以感官經驗讓學生接受系統的學科知識並加以熟練。 ⑷學科認知歷程取向集中分布於認識家鄉和臺灣的冊次或單元中,配合單元內容和活動設計附屬小單元指導程序性知識或是融入課本習作的活動。 ⑸社會實用取向次數百分比22.6%居次,多以議題融入學科概念的單元教材中。 ⑹自我感知取向大多點狀式附屬於學科單元教學中,讓學生針對學科內容表達自己的感想和喜愛的情感,或者透過學習內容增進學生對自己的認識。 ⑺社會行動取向次數百分比5.0%,主要以認識社會行動楷模、提出行動方式、傳達訊息等社會行動為主。


This study aims at discussing the knowledge ideology of A version elementary social studies textbooks which was published between 2010 and 2011 school year, including the teaching materials relating to social studies in life curriculum textbooks. This research adopts the methods of content analysis. In this study, the knowledge ideology of elementary social studies textbooks was divided into three positions and six orientations, ,and namely as the followings: (1) objectivity position ideal heuristic orientation; (2) objectivity position empirical study orientation; (3) transaction position discipline cognitive process orientation; (4) transaction position social practicality orientation; (5) transformation position self-perception orientation;(6)transformation position social action orientation. The content of this thesis puts emphasis on the following points: The first point is the distribution of various types of the knowledge ideology. The second point is the presence of various types of the knowledge ideology in textbooks . The conlusions and findings of this study are as follows: (1) A full set of textbooks overall, the most emphasis is put on the objectivity position, then comes the transaction position. The transformation position has the lowest percentage. In aspect of orientation, the empirical study orientation is the main orientation, the social practicality orientation is the second, the self-perception orientation and the discipline cognitive process orientation are in third place, while the social action orientation and the ideal heuristic orientation have the lowest percentage. (2) The ideal heuristic orientation appears the least, only 3.6% of the total proportion. It concentrate on the history materials in stage three. (3) The empirical study orientation makes up 41.8% of the total proportion, being the main knowledge ideology of A version textbooks. The materals of empirical study orientation provide sensory experience for students to accept systematic discipline knowledge in textbooks. (4) The discipline cognitive process orientation appears in the textbooks or units about Taiwan and hometown. Design subsidiary small unit to guide procedural knowledge. Besides,the essay and lessons of A version textbooks include inquiry activities. (5) The frequency distribution Percentage of social practicality orientation is 22.6%. The percentage is second to the empirical study orientation. The feature is that issues are introduced in unit of discipline concept. (6) Most of self-perception orientation materals are attached to discipline concept unit in point-like style. the learning content leads students to express their feelings and love of emotion, or through the learning content to enhance student understanding of their own. (7) The frequency distribution Percentage of social action orientation is 5.0%. The social action orientation activities include conveying message, paticipating in environment protection activities, knowing the social action model, proposesing own social activities.


knowledge ideology textbooks social studies


