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Physical Therapy Education Program Evaluation in Taiwan


過去十年,我國職校積極升格為專校,專校升格為科大,使得物理治療師養成教育在一般大學學制外,增加了五專和科大暨技術學院的學制。現有八所大學、三所科大暨技術學院和三所專科學校招生物理治療學生。科大還為五專生設有二技學制,專科學校則為以前職校畢業生的回流教育設有二專、招收1-2班學生,人數較少。專科的教育對現代醫事人員而言明顯不足,畢業生考照率一直不佳,學生的就業率也難以達到教考用合一的辦學目標。專科學校教育目標定位與現實難以契合、學生人數眾多、專任教師人數不足是評鑑上呈現的主要問題。大學層級的養成教育從外部來看,有美國物理治療臨床博士(Doctorate Physical Therapy, DPT)學制的衝擊與國際接軌的問題,內部則有課程改革和仿照美國學制以提升專業素養和自主的討論。大學教師的研究能力受重視,但應用研究能力和成果於教學和臨床實務方面,仍有待加強。我國學制的分歧嚴重影響物理治療專業對人才的吸引、進而影響專業發展和社會的認可。


Over the past decade in Taiwan, there was a trend towards upgrading vocational high schools to junior colleges, and junior colleges to technology universities. This trend has increased the availability of physical therapy programs at junior colleges and technology institutes in addition to universities. At present there are eight universities, three technology universities and three junior colleges that offer physical therapy programs. In order to fulfill a need for recurrent education, 2-year courses are offered at technology universities and junior colleges to graduates from 5-year junior college and 4-year vocational high school courses. From the perspective of educating members of the modern health care professions, the quality of education offered by junior colleges is insufficient. As a result of this lack, it has proved difficult to improve graduation rate of students from junior colleges in terms of licensing. This, in turn, has resulted in a low rate of employment among the students compared to the target set by the colleges. The major educational problems identified during the evaluation were the difficulties encountered turning ideas into reality, the large number of students taking the courses, and the lack of full-time teachers. The university educational system has been significantly influenced by the American DPT (Doctorate Physical Therapy) educational system and there is an urgent need among these institutions towards trying to catch up with the international trend in terms of professional competence and autonomy. Research itself is an issue that has been addressed; nonetheless, an inability to use research work in teaching and clinical practice is noticeable. Disputes within the educational systems have affected the recruitment of talented students into this profession and this has retarded the development of the profession and its acceptability by the society in Taiwan.


American Physical Therapy Association
Johnson MP,Abrams SL(2005).Historical perspectives of autonomy within the medical profession: Considerations for 21st century physical therapy practice.J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2005.35,628-636.


