  • 期刊


A Preliminary Study on the Basic Issues of the Religious Ethics and Dimension of Value Norms in Systematic Hermeneutics of (Inter) Religion




Religion is the foundation of human culture. It is the origin of ethical values and norms. However, under the so-called Euthyphro dilemma or paradox, there is a fundamental problem between religion and ethics, especially between the value norm system of religion and the autonomy of philosophical ethics, that is - which is the basis of the other. This article will reconsider this paradox and even suggest its way out from the systemic hermeneutics of (inter) religion, and then reveal the initial response to the three basic issues or problems of religious ethics and its dimension of value norms. Therefore, it shall present the basic theory of systemic hermeneutics of (inter) religion first, and then deal with the classical Euthyphro dilemma, and afterwards develop the three basic issues of modern religious ethics and value norms in this context, namely: 1. Back to the source: How can religion serve as the origin and foundation of the value norm of human culture? 2. The subjectivity of religious ethics: What are the characteristics of the ethical system of religion itself? 3. Religion facing modernity and contemporary situation: How should the value norm of religion confront the problems of modern society and the contemporary world and even propose its solutions? Especially in the last question, this article will indicate how Chinese philosophy and religious ethics respond to contemporary ethical issues such as human rights and tolerance.


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