  • 期刊


Approaching Collective Rights for Indigenous Social Work in Taiwan: A View of Indigenous Community-hood




The development of modern indigenous social work has shifted its approach to the politics of differences, emphasizing collective rights of the community rather than following the traditional compensational welfare model. Meanwhile, the concepts of collective culture right and environment right echo with the wave of global indigenous rights movements. With the rising awareness of and demand for collective rights, the practice of indigenous social work today has encountered three major challenges: the dated individualized welfare system; the individualized service delivery of resources; and the mentality of cultural hegemony when designing and delivering welfare services. This paper attempts to describe the current indigenous social work development in Taiwan to explicate the theoretical dilemmas as well as its practices. Based on the attainments of Indigenous Rights and the considerations of ethnic differences of a multicultural social structure, this study intends to explore the welfare services from different social situations. The study also aims to figure out a holistic care system covering indigenous everyday life and cultural practice habitus. We propose an approach to achieve such goals. It is vital to confirm the roles and missions of an indigenous community in practice. By doing so, we hope not only to address the indigenous sovereignty and cultures, but also to realize ethics of care in social work for indigenous communities.


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