  • 期刊


The Transaction Risks and Their Management Strategies of Patent Transactions




Based on the legal norms and many courts’ judgments, this article identifies four categories of patent transaction risks as follows: (1) whether the patent has been or almost expired; (2) whether the patent is likely to be held invalid; (3) whether the patent has some defects on right’s condition; and (4) whether the patent has some defects on right’s enforcement. Furthermore, on the ground of these transaction risks, this article develops a standard of due diligence for patent transaction, in order to ensure the quality of the patents to be assigned or licensed. Moreover, in order to strengthen the achievement of the due diligence, this article suggests some special clauses in the patent assignment or licensing agreements as follows: (1) the agreement shouldn’t reserve a part of the patent right on the original patent owner; (2) the agreement should contain a warranty and an indemnification clauses; and (3) the license agreement should contain a sub-license clause if necessary.


台北高等行政法院95 年度訴字第83 號行政判決。
財團法人國家實驗研究院科技產業資訊室(2008),「宏碁以戰逼和策略奏效,工研院專利記上一功」, 科技產業資訊室專利情報, 取自: http://cdnet.stpi.narl.org.tw/techroom/pclass/2008/pclass_08_A043.htm。
最高法院96 年度台上字第1658 號民事判決。
經濟部智慧財產局官方網站, 網址:https://www.tipo.gov.tw/public/Attachment/542416385317.pdf(最後瀏覽日2015 年6 月30 日)。
智慧財產法院97 年度行專訴字第48 號行政判決。
