  • 期刊


A Study on the Feasibility of Constructing Persuasive Strategies to Introduce Digital Streaming and Artificial Intelligence among Taiwan's Manufacturing Industry Clusters




With the emergence of manpower shortages, rising wages, shorter and shorter product delivery periods, and large changes in market demand, the manufacturing industry is facing a new wave of transformation challenges. AI could solve the problem of manpower and complete the company's internal cognitive automation process. Despite this trend, companies still have a lot of doubts about what should be adopted. From the perspective of government policy promotion or industry associations promoting industrial upgrading, they should have a good persuasion strategy. This study applied the "Diffusion of Innovation Theory" to deconstruct the current adoption. We try to construct persuasive strategies so that policy promoters can know how to design auxiliary resources to enhance the willingness of enterprises to transform and upgrade. In this study, a semi-structured in-depth interview was conducted in cooperation with the project of the Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Based on the consideration of three factors, including output value, digitization degree, and regional balance, this study selects bicycle industry, machine tool industry, automobile component industry, and textile industry as the main survey industries. Next, select in-depth interview subjects in a snowball way. The interviewees are all the CEOs or the top executives of the production line. This study proposed the following three applied persuasion strategies: find suitable targets and persuade high-level managers; moderate threats and provide solutions to strengthen persuasiveness; promote alliances, led by a trusted third party, and propose mutual persuasion. In addition, this study found that the digital streaming and artificial intelligence application of Taiwan's manufacturing industry clusters' innovation and dissemination conditions are roughly in line with the framework of the "Diffusion of Innovation Theory". However, an innovative element of "Subjective Norm" has been added. It is important to pay attention of "Relative Advantage", "Compatibility" and "Social System".


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