  • 期刊


The Study of Image and Attention of Bus Advertising in Dynamic Environment


廣告學者Jugenheimer. D. W. & White, G. E.(1994)提出車廂外廣告的挑戰包括訊息出現時間短暫,由於跟隨車體迅速移動,因此很可能稍縱即逝,未必能留下深刻印象,且無法傳遞複雜訊息,通常沒有時間詳細閱讀廣告,故消費者不容易從車廂外廣告中獲得深入的產品訊息。本研究以不同的六種公車車廂外廣告表現類型:名人證言式、生活情感式、語意比較式、卡通-動畫式、戲劇化表現式、示範式為樣本,經由動態環境條件設計,探討車廂外廣告在動態環境中的注目性效果。以實驗法為主,環境條件以觀察距離與公車速度為變項,解析廣告表現類型之注目性差異,並探求公車廣告之最佳視覺條件。研究發現:視覺表現之注目性,在圖像部分以「卡通動畫式、示範式」注意係數最佳;在色彩部分以「名人證言式」、「生活情境式」等注意係數較佳;在標題及產品識別部分則以「名人證言式」答對率最高,「戲劇式」、「語意比較式」注意係數最佳。注目性內容整體答對率高低分別為:色彩>圖像>產品>標題。在動態環境效果部份,主道路距離分佈在11m~18m之間,視野視角60~120度時,公車時速為20~40km/hr視覺傳達的注視時間秒數是5秒左右。而視覺意象評定在「現代性、設計性、美感性」意象中,最佳的視覺表現為「生活情境式、語意比較式、示範式」。


公車廣告 動態環境 意象 注目性


Advertisement experts Jugenheimer and White (1994) point out that there are two challenges given by the public transit advertisements. One is the short-time exposure - when advertisements are moving with vehicles at high speed, the time in which they show in front of the public is transient. This means these advertisements may not give enough impression. The other challenge is the inability to convey complex messages. Because of flat pictures, plus the fact that people usually have no much time to read the advertising contents carefully, consumers cannot easily obtain the detailed product information.. For this study, six various types of bus advertisements were collected as samples - Celebrity style, Emotion style, Abstract style, Cartoon style, Drama style and Demonstration style. This study adopted Experimental Design, which used distance and bus speed as variables. The attractiveness and the differentiae of visual effects of advertisements are revealed; and the best visual conditions for dynamic environments are explored. Hence, among the mentioned six types of visual effects, which obtains more attractiveness in dynamic environments is discovered. This study can be a reference to help create an eye-attracting advertising design.


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