  • 期刊


A study of the cookie packaging on illustration to consumer's eye catching effects and preference survey


本研究嘗試結合「插畫之繪畫媒材」以及「複雜程度」作為研究主題,以印製於西式餅乾禮盒上之插畫做為研究樣本篩選依據,從而探討「設計背景」與「非設計背景」之受測者對餅乾禮盒包裝插畫上之注意力與偏好差異。本研究蒐集市售餅乾禮盒,使用KJ 法依據市場樣本以媒材使用、繪製主題、複雜程度進行分類,從中選擇較常被使用之媒材,作為繪製實驗樣本之根據,以因子設計共創造64 個樣本進行問卷設計。本實驗共回收280 份有效問卷,透過28 名受訪者的訪談內容,得出受測者被插畫吸引之原因,並運用聯合分析法統計分析問卷數據,以了解「媒材」與「複雜程度」對消費者偏好之影響。研究結果如下:1.媒材表現以「電腦繪圖」為首,其次依序為「色鉛筆」、「水墨」、「油畫」、「版畫。插圖表現形式以「輪廓線法」數量最多,其次為「象徵描繪」、「精密插畫」、「圖像描繪」。2.受測者在觀看插畫時,影響受測者主要原因為「複雜程度」,其次為「色彩」。使用「電腦繪圖」、「精密插畫」的插圖,較容易抓住受測者的注意力。3.插圖「複雜程度」之表現方式,對受測者偏好有較大影響力。僅在「動物」插畫主題下,「媒材」對受測者偏好影響力較大,此研究結果與受測者「是否具有設計背景」無關。而受測者偏好「精密插畫」的表現,以及使用「電腦繪圖」作為媒材的插畫。


媒材 包裝 插畫 注目性 聯合分析


Using illustrations printed on western style cookies’ boxed gift set as research samples, this research attempts to integrate "Painting Medium of Illustration" and "Degree of Complexity" as the study’s main foci. The study intends to explore the differences in interests and the focus of test subjects with "design background" as well as that of subjects with "non-design background" towards illustrations on cookies’ boxed gift set. This research collected cookies’boxed gift sets in the market, utilizing the KJ method, and then classified the market samples according to usage of medium, subject of drawings and complexity. Through Factoral Design, 64 samples were then created to undergo the survey design. This experiment gathered 280 copies of effective surveys. Reasons of why the 28 interviewed subjects were attracted by the illustrations were revealed. In order to understand influences of "medium" and "complexity" on consumers’ preferences, Conjoint Analysis method was then used to analyze the surveys’ data. The results were as follows: 1. Computer Graphics was the first in medium performance, followed by colored pencil, ink painting, oil painting and printmaking. Contour drawing was used the most in terms of illustrations’ form, followed by graphic symbology, pictorial illustrations and graphic rendering. 2. When test subjects were looking at the illustrations, the reasons that influenced them the most was complexity, followed by color. Illustrations using computer graphics and pictorial illustration can attract the focus of the test subjects more easily. 3. Complexities of illustrations in terms of forms had greater influence on test subjects. The impacts of medium on test subjects were only larger under the "animal" illustration category. This result has no relation to whether or not the test subject has design background. Test subjects also showed more interests in the forms of pictorial illustration and illustrations using computer graphic as the medium.


王怡雯(2012)。台灣糕餅包裝設計之視覺圖像表現現況研究─以2009~2011 年中秋、結婚、年節三節慶為例(碩士論文)。高雄師範大學視覺設計學系。
