  • 期刊


The Changing and Its Meanings of Illustration Styles of Children's Picture Books Published by Taiwan Government (1965 -1999) and Hsin-Yi Foundation (1979-2001)


本文分析比較402 份自1979-2001 年信誼基金會出版兒童圖畫書插畫,與402 筆1965-1999 年官方出版中華兒童書插畫樣本之風格。按照伊彬(2000)之風格分類方式將樣本分為11 大項23 小項。研究結果發現:一、「裝圖」、「童卡」、「漫畫」等為綜合兩類樣本之風格主軸。二、信誼風格特質包括:以兒童為本位的風格考量、兒童化的圖面形式、與模仿兒童畫的繪畫形式。三、從中華到信誼樣本之風格變遷所代表之時代意義為:1. 創作角度從中華的成人模式到信誼的兒童認知模式、2. 從文字傳達到圖像思惟、3. 童書插畫專業雛形的形成、4. 複合風格的形成、5. 插畫從附屬文字之下的格局到藝術性的表達、6. 插畫創作由被動客觀而漸趨主動主觀、7. 插畫家角色的開展與改變、8. 圖畫書的功能從教育到各種功能的複合、9. 童心主義的興盛、10. 本土化與外來文化審美之交替成長。本文亦提出台灣童書插畫風格尚未被深耕之方向。


The research analyzed picture style of 804 illustrations in children’s picture books published by Hsin-Yi Foundation from 1979 to 2001 and by Taiwan government from 1965 to 1999. The results suggested: firstly, the “decoration”, “fairytale-cartoon”, and “caricature” are three main styles of both kinds of samples. Secondly, the main characteristics of Hsin-Yi’s samples are: creating from children’s viewpoints, adopting children-liked form, and adopting children’s artwork-liked form. Thirdly, the meanings of the style changing are concluded as: 1 Making children’s picture book from adult’s viewpoint gradually became from child’s viewpoint; 2 Comparing with literalness, there was gradually more importance of graphic image in communication; 3 The profession of being illustrator of children’s picture book was gradually required and developed; 4 The mixed styles were developed richly; 5 The function of illustration gradually become artistic expression from “accessory to the content”; 6 The creating illustration became active and subjective from passive and objective; 7 the role of illustrator was enlarged; 8 The function of picture book was from education-only to multi-functions; 9 The rising of childishnessism; 10 The aesthetic influences from the foreign and the native was alternatively shown. The researchers also suggest the possible directions for the future development of illustration style of children’s picture book in Taiwan.


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