  • 期刊


Building a design process model for producing the cultural-creative products by analyzing and applying the image of ocean as an example


本研究提出一嶄新文創商品設計模式,基於「藉由設計進行研究」(research through design)之研究取徑,以海洋意象的解析與應用為主軸進行一實證個案研究以實踐與驗證此設計方法。此設計模式共分四大步驟,依序為聯想(association)、具象化(concretisation)、轉換(transformation)與實行(implementation)。本研究藉由設計工作坊的模式進行個案研究,並從中觀察參與設計工作坊的新手設計師(novice designers)於開發文創商品期間之實踐情形,適時提供相應的設計輔導策略,之後再以深入訪談方式剖析新手設計師對此設計方法之認知與態度。研究結果顯示本文提出的文創商品設計模式有助於提升文創商品開發過程的速度與文創商品的設計品質,且能引導參與的新手設計師在各設計階段辨識與運用適當的設計方法與工具。本研究所提出的設計模式與方法可作為設計師與業界在開發文創商品時的參考依據。


This study proposes a design process model for developing cultural creative products which includes four stages, i.e. association, concretisation, transformation, and implementation. The design process model was tested and applied via a realistic case study, i.e. designing a table lamp. The case study was conducted through a practice-based research approach, i.e. research through design. A series of four workshops, which were carefully organised to be a structured design decision-making process, were arranged to conduct the case study. Participants had to make critical decisions in the end of every workshop. Three different data collection methods were simultaneously applied during the workshops: observation, research diary, and interviews. It was demonstrated that the proposed design process model has the ability to facilitate the efficiency of design project and guide the participants to being identifying and using proper design methods in different design phases. The outcomes of the study show that the design process model is effective, and can be as a reference used for developing different types of cultural creative products.


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