  • 期刊


Variation of the Rice Varieties on Panicle Characters and Kernel Qualitative Characters under Low Nitrogen Rate Input


本研究自2005年第一期作至2006年第二期作,利用14個台灣現行栽培水稻品種,在一般慣行氮肥用量(120 kg N ha^(-1))及低氮投施(60 kg N ha^(-1))環境下,進行水稻穗部性狀及米質性狀表現之觀察,結果顯示第一期作參試品種在低氮投施環境下,除穗數、穗長及蛋白質含量較慣行用量之平均值表現爲低外,其他性狀均較高;且在低氮條件下,水稻穗部構成性狀及米質性狀之參試品種的變異係數值,多較慣行氮肥用量環境下爲大。第二期作各性狀之表現在不同氮肥用量條件下高低互見,但變異係數多以慣行氮肥用量者爲高。另就兩期作之年度、品種及氮肥效應的綜合變方分析結果顯示,水稻穗部構成性狀及米質性狀於第二期作之差異較小,表現較爲穩定。


水稻 穗部性狀 品質 低投施


A total of 14 varieties selected from the collection of rice varieties released in Taiwan during the past 20 years were used to conducted field experiments with various nitrogen rates (120, 60 kg N ha^(-1)) in the first and the second crop seasons through the years from 2005 to 2006. The panicle characters and rice kernel qualitative characters were recorded at harvest. The panicle number, panicle length and protein content of rice kernel might lower be identified under the conditions of low nitrogen rate input in the first crop season. In the same conditions, the varieties with high CV value of panicle characters and rice kernel qualitative characters were detected. In the second crop season, the varieties with high CV value of panicle characters and rice kernel qualitative characters were identified under the high nitrogen rate input. The panicle characters and rice kernel qualitative characters were stable across the range of the experiments in the second crop season from a combined analysis of variation.


Rice Panicle characters Quality Low input
