  • 期刊


Application of "Cinnamomum osmophloeum" Leaves as Smoking Material on Cooked Duck Breast Meats


本研究旨在探討臺灣土肉桂葉作為鴨胸肉製品燻煙材料之應用,試驗係取生鮮鴨胸肉製品經醃漬配方處理後,使用木屑添加0%(A組),20%(B組),40%(C組),60%(D組)等不同重量比例之臺灣土肉桂葉進行燻煙處理,所製煙燻製品於溫度4°C儲存7週間測定其基本性質:pH值、色澤與水分等,並評估對鴨胸燻煙肉品質之影響,項目涵蓋:2-硫巴比妥酸反應物質(2-thiobarbituric acid reactive substance, TBARS)、總酚類化合物含量、總生菌數及大腸桿菌群等。結果顯示,各處理組與通數問之pH值在6.2-6.5間,而水分含量為56.1-61.2%間,兩者皆無顯著差異:C,D處理組之L值顯著低於其它組處理者;而a值方面,第0週時具有最高值,隨著儲存時間增加,a值稍有下降,但其與處理組間或週數間皆無顯著差異。品質評估之結果得知,各處理組隨著儲存時間增加,總酚含量呈下降趨勢,其中D處理組者較其它組者高,而TBARS值稍有增加,但其與處理組間或週數問並無顯著差異。總生菌數方面,隨著儲存時間,各處理組問之結果介於3.3-4.0(log CFU/g)間,其中C,D組之總生菌數較低於其它各組,而大腸桿菌群之結果顯示,D處理組者較低於其它者。綜上所述,將60%臺灣土肉桂葉添加至煙材中,可增加鴨胸肉製品之總酚含量,且能有效抑制總生菌數及大腸桿菌群等,因此以臺灣土肉桂葉作為煙材料應用於鴨胸肉製品上,對於儲存時應具有增加其抗氧化機能之可能性。


The objective of this study was to apply "Cinnamomum osmophloenm" (C. osmophloenm) leaves to as part of smoking material on the smoking process of cooked duck breast meats. The experimental used sawdust with different percent weights of "C. osmophloenm" leaves 0% (group A), 20% (group B), 40% (group C), and 60% (group D) to smoke the fresh-meat, cooked duck breast meats, after having been processed with soaked formula. The basic properties, pH value, color and moisture, as well as the quality effect of smoked-duck meat, including 2-thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS), total phenol content, total plate counts and coliform counts were investigated after storing at 4°C for 7 weeks. The results of basic properties showed that pH value was 6.20-6.50, the range of moisture content was 56.1-61.2%, and neither them was no significantly difference among groups or weeks. For color difference, L value of groups C and D was significantly lower than that of the others; moreover, a* was the highest value at the first week and then decreased with increase of storage time, but no significant difference among groups or weeks. The quality evaluation of smoked-duck meat obtained that the total phenol content of group D was significantly higher than that of the others, and each group decreased with increase of storage time, but no significant difference among groups or weeks. The TBARS was a bit of increase, but it was no significant difference among groups or weeks. For total plate counts, they were 3.3-4.0 (log CFU/g) during storage time, and groups C, D were lower than the others. The coliform counts of D group were significantly lower than those of the others. The above results indicated that the smoking material for group D with 60% of "C. osmophloenm" leaves can increase the total phenol content, inhibit total plate counts and coliform counts of smoked-duck meat. Therefore, it is suggested that applying "C. osmophloenm" leaves as the smoking material on the smoking process of cooked duck breast meats is able to increase their antioxidant ability during storage time possibly.
