  • 期刊


Virus Elimination Through Shoot Apical Meristem and Rapid Mericlonal Micropropagation in Polianthes tuberosa L.


本研究探討夜來香分生組織培養去病毒技術與及無病毒植株芽體增殖。利用夜來香的兩新品種‘嘉農悸動的心’及‘嘉大幻想’種球於解剖顯微鏡下挑取不同大小莖頂分生組織培養12週後,再行病毒檢測,顯示莖頂分生組織培植體存活率以圓錐體帶4片葉原體培植體最高,在‘嘉農悸動的心’可達95.8%及‘嘉大幻想’得100%;不帶葉原體之圓錐體培植體其存活率在‘嘉農悸動的心’為52.3%及‘嘉大幻想’得95%,隨圓錐體所帶葉原體之片數減少,存活率降低。當挑取僅帶圓錐體培植體,在‘嘉農悸動的心’與‘嘉大幻想’皆可達100%去病毒率;圓錐體帶1片葉原體之培植體整體平均可達80%去病毒率。再以二品種夜來香經去病毒分生瓶苗之芽體培養於添加不同濃度BA的MS基礎培養基中,組合不同培養方式,觀察芽體再生繁殖,顯示在固體培養基配合7.5 mg.L^(-1) BA,兩個品種分別獲得平均3.5及5.23個芽體數為最佳,增殖率顯著優於液體震盪培養及液體覆蓋之雙相培養基,可作為無病毒夜來香種苗快速量產之用。


In this research, we described the methods of virus-free meristem explant and the virus-free shoot multiplication of Polianthes tuberosa L.. The tuberose cultivars 'Chia-Nong Sensation' and 'NCYU Fancy' bulbs were prepared and dissected under a dissecting microscope to pick up different sizes of shoot apical meristem for 12-week culturing in vitro. The results showed that using dome with four primordia explant up to 95.8% of 'Chia-Nong Sensation' and 100% of 'NCYU Fancy' survival rate, respectively. Using explant with number of leaves primordium decreased, the survival rate was reduced. The survival rate of using the dome explant without leaf primordium was 52.3% of tuberose 'Chia-Nong Sensation' and 95% of tuberose 'NCYU Fancy'. The average virus-free rate of virus-free plants was 53.1%, and the explant of the dome was 100% virus-removing rate. The explant with a leaf primordium had an average of 80% virus removal rate. Furthermore, the shoots of tuberose 'Chia-Nong Sensation' and 'NCYU Fancy' regenerated plants were cultured in the MS basal medium supplemented with different concentrations of 6-benzylamino purine (BA), to evaluate the shoot multiplication in different culture types, and the effectiveness of rapid micropropagation. The solid medium was combined with 7.5 mg.L^(-1) BA, both of 'Chia-Nong Sensation' and 'NCYU Fancy' to obtain an average of 3.5 and 5.23 shoots respectively, and the shoot multiplication was significantly better than the liquid or liquid-overlay culture. The methods and results we decribed here, those might be useful for rapid mass propagation of virus-free plantlets in Polianthes tuberosa.
