  • 期刊


Attitude toward Mental Illness in a General Hospital


背景/目的 本研究目的在探討綜合醫院志工對精神疾病之污名化態度及相關因素。 方法 以102位綜合醫院志工爲研究對象,填寫含基本資料、志工服務經驗、及精神疾病態度量表之問卷。另外選取年齡人數及性別比相近之96名社區民眾對照組作爲比較。 結果 志工在「對精神病患之態度是否慈善」、「精神疾病之外在環境致病原因」、「精神疾病之生活事件致病原因」部分,比對照組有較少的污名化態度。影響志工污名化態度的相關因素包括:志工年齡、每週服務時間、及是否有宗教信仰。 結論 本研究可作爲志工衛教課程及去精神疾病污名化運動之參考。


志工 精神疾病 污名化態度


Background/Purpose. To investigate the attitude toward mental illness among volunteers in a general hospital. Methods. A total of 102 volunteers in a general hospital were randomly selected to complete a set of questionnaires designed to gather basic demographic data and volunteer service experience, and to assess their attitude toward mental illness based on the Attitude toward Mental Illness scale. The same questionnaires were administered to a control group of 96 individuals living in the same community in which the hospital is located. Results. Volunteers had fewer negative attitudes toward mental illness than individuals in the control group. Volunteers also had a better understanding of the etiology of mental illness and tended to be more compassionate toward people with mental illness than those in the control group. The factors associated with stigma toward mental illness were age, religious belief, and service time at the hospital. Conclusion. The attitude towards mental illness differs between hospital volunteers and community residents. Our findings will prove useful in designing better psychoeducation courses for volunteers and other hospital workers.


volunteer mental illness stigma attitude


