  • 期刊


Evaluation for Uncertainties in Line Measurement of Transmission Electron Microscopy


穿透式電子顯微鏡(Transmission Electron Microscopy)是奈米元件線距量測主要工具之一,其量測誤差及不確定度將影響量測結果。本研究將評估穿透式電子顯微鏡線距量測的不確定度,評估法則是依據國際化組織(ISO)所出版的量測不確定度表示方式指引(Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement, GUM),將歸納出影響穿透式電子顯微鏡線距量測的不確定度源有七項,包含再現性評估(Reproducibility)、測試件的不均勻度(Non-uniformity of Specimen)、線影像解析度(Line Resolution)及點影像解析度(Point Resolution)、標準試片誤差(Uncertainty of Reference Material)、試片受溫度因素(Temperature Factor)及儀器設備校正誤差(Scale Calibration),並以專用標準試片三組線距標稱值為10 nm、99.0 nm及1,140 nm作為量測評估,將計算各線距的不確定度、自由度及誤差,發現穿透式電子顯微鏡線距量測誤差為3%。


Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is most powerful technique for line measurement of nano-device recently. In order to get the line measurement exactly, it is necessary to evaluate the errors and uncertainties in TEM line measurement. The study will evaluate the uncertainties in line measurement of TEM followed by the ISO/GUM (Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement, 2005). The uncertainties of TEM line measurement have been evaluated as seven items such as reproducibility, non-uniformity of specimen, line resolution and point resolution, uncertainty of reference material, temperature factor, and scale calibration. Moreover, three standard lines, 10 nm, 99.0 nm, and 1140 nm have been subjected to calculate their uncertainties and concluded that the TEM line measurement is 3% in error.


TEM Uncertainty Line Measurement
