  • 期刊


Introduction of 3D Structure Technology on Non-volatile Memory Device


未來透過網路的高速化,可以將各種電子產品的資訊連結在一塊( 物聯網,Internet of Things, IOT),提供人類在日常生活上的便利性,甚至改變人們的生活行為。這些龐大的資料都必須要有相對應的儲存媒介來當作資料的運算與儲存使用,其中最具代表性技術為記憶體處理器(Process-in-Memory; PIM)。90年代起已有研究學者鑽研PIM技術,但是由於動態隨機存取記憶體(DRAM)的容量不夠大,並不適合導入半導體商業化產品。目前由於3D電晶體(3D FET)與垂直堆疊等技術的發展趨於成熟,因此PIM的開發也逐漸重新獲得重視,PIM技術將成為打開物聯網與巨量分析時代大門的關鍵之鑰。PIM技術即是嵌入式記憶體技術發展,其中嵌入式記憶體的特點是記憶體整體容量相對比較獨立式記憶體上的需求並不高,但是必須要能搭配邏輯元件,並最好具備有快速讀寫以及低耗電的能力,因此嵌入式記憶體的應用面也更為廣泛,如智慧卡、無線射頻辨識(RFID)、現場可程式邏輯門陣列(FPGA) 等。隨著元件尺寸越來越小,DRAM和閃存記憶體(FLASH) 紛紛面臨到操作上物理極限之限制,為解決此問題,新穎非揮發性記憶體(Non-volatile Memory)的開發也顯得越加重要。非揮發性記憶體元件已經被報導許多次,因此本篇文章主要則是介紹有關於3D結構之電阻記憶體元件技術。


In the near future, a variety of electronic information products could be connected in the piece through the high speed network to provide on the daily lives of human convenience, and even change the behavior of people's lives. And this is what we call as internet of things (IOT). In IOT device, huge data must have a corresponding information processing media to use as computing and data storage, the most representative techniques is the memory processor (Process-in-Memory; PIM). Basically, PIM is the concept of moving computation closer to memory and there are many advantages in PIM. For example, low access latency, high memory bandwidth, and high degree of parallelization can be achieved by adding simple processing cores in memory, minimize cache pollution by not transferring some data to main cores, and data intensive/memory bounded applications, which do not benefit from the conventional cache hierarchies, could benefit from PIM. The characteristics of embedded memory is the memory capacity requirement much lower than stand-alone memory device, but memory device must be able to match the logic element, and preferably have a fast ability for read and write as well as low power consumption, and therefore the application surface embedded memory also more widely, such as smart cards, radio frequency identification (RFID), the field programmable gate array (FPGA) and so on. With the memory cell size getting smaller, DRAM and FLASH have faced restrictions on the operation of the physical limits, to solve this problem, the development of new non-volatile memory (Non-volatile memory) also appears increasingly important.


