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Oral Presentation for the Purpose of Imparting Extracurricular Knowledge: With the Presentation Content based on the "Step Japanese Magazine"




Under the curriculum structure of the Department of Applied Japanese, the conversation curriculum for second grade students is one of the fundamental curriculums for learning the 4 skills. Yet, for the purpose of preparing for the professional curriculums designed for third grade students, besides developing learners' ability of oral presentation, the author of this study believes that imparting extracurricular knowledge related to Japanese cultures is also essential. In view of this , the author designed a classroom activity of oral presentation with the Step Japanese Magazine as the auxiliary material in the conversation curriculum for second grade students. In this activity, learners had to pick some content they were interested from the magazine and prepare an oral presentation with the purpose of teaching this extracurricular knowledge to other learners. The duration of this activity was 17 weeks, from Feb to June, 2015. The subjects were 22 learners who took the conversation curriculum for second grade students. After the activity, the audience was asked to fill a form regarding the presenters. In addition, all students were asked to fill a questionnaire for this activity. The questionnaire analysis result showed the learners thought highly of this activity. Also, through this activity, they had learned some skills of oral presentation and teaching, as well as extracurricular Japanese knowledge.


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