  • 期刊


The Contextual Background and Developing Trend of Mentor Teacher Program: From a Historical Approach




The Mentor Teacher Program has implemented more than 40 years in Western countries, while the program has been introduced in Taiwan for only two decades. The paper aims to analyze the development and the contextual background of the Mentor Teacher Program from historical perspective and to propose suggestions for its future practice in our nation. The Mentor Teacher Program has actually been growing to an educational mature period in those developed countries, while in our nation the program is still at an incubation and incipient stage. This study concludes five dimensions in terms of the contextual background of the Mentor Teacher Program, including "passing on the wisdom of instructional practice," "demonstrating the culture of trust among teachers," et cetera. This author proposes nine suggestions for the future program development such as "establishing the legitimate basis", "implementing official positions for full-time mentor teachers," "keeping the alignment with the teaching practicum tutors" and so forth.


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