  • 期刊


Teaching Methods of Adapted Physical Education for Students with Autism: Based on Evidence-Based Practice




Adapted physical education offers a planned, individualized program which can meet instructional goals and improve the quality of life for students with disabilities. These students can share the same educational resources and teaching effects as others based on the principles of normalization, equity, life quality, and human rights. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the teaching methods of adapted physical education for students with autism, using a sport education model constructing an integrated play group that is based on the game theory and evidence-based practice. In this paper, literature analysis was used to integrate related studies. First, we examine the characteristics of social communication of the students with autism: deficits in social-emotional interaction and nonverbal communication, and challenges developing and maintaining interpersonal relationships. Second, we discuss the cranial nerve as related to problems of the communication, interaction and behavior; autism could stem from brain injury, dysfunction of the social brain, or mirror neuron dysfunction. We conclude that the human brain is a social brain; therefore, the structure of the brain could be changed through learning, and social competence also could be developed during physical education. Utilizing a practical sport education model to engage and teach the social brain would promote psychosocial, physical, and cognitive development and enhance the social adaptation in the future.


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