  • 期刊


Analysis of Expertise in Kinesiology or Related Fields Among College Teachers in Taiwan




Expert college-level educators in kinesiology and related fields not only focus on teaching general and technical subjects, but are also responsible for cultivating future professionals in Taiwan. They also play an important role in planning sports development policies. The purpose of this paper is to gather and analyze the data related to the Physical Education Discipline classification of the Ministry of Science and Technology. Examining the reliability of content analysis via the percent agreement formula, the results show that there are 2,329 full-time and 2,893 part-time teachers comprising 5.02% and 6.29% respectively of total college teachers in Taiwan. The number of full-time teachers and teachers with expertise in academic and technical subjects has reached 39.29%, nearly double the figure of 20 years ago. The ratio of full-time teachers who specialize in humanities and social science fields to those in natural science fields is 6:4. In the area of physical fitness, the most popular sports are swimming, badminton, tennis, basketball and volleyball. On the other hand, 58.48% of the total number of teachers in all college departments is in a field related to sport and leisure, which demonstrates the flourishing development of this field. This paper recommends establishing a human resources database that details the expertise of college teachers specializing kinesiology and related fields, to improve the development of sports education in Taiwan.


政府資料開放平臺(2017)。105 學年度大學校院教師學術專長彙整表。資料引自https://data.gov.tw/dataset/27931[Government Website Open Information Announcement. (2017). Directory of expertise among college teachers in 105 academic year. Retrieved from https://data.gov.tw/dataset/27931]
袁君雄(2015)。淺談資料建模。資料引自http://pkgroup.weebly.com/uploads/6/1/2/6/61266765/2015-11-10_data_modeling.pdf[Yuen, K. (2015). Data modeling. Retrieved from http://pk-group.weebly.com/uploads/6/1/2/6/61266765/2015-11-10_data_modeling.pdf]


