  • 期刊


Improvements to Continued Breastfeeding 6 Months Postpartum


依聯合國兒童基金會資料統計調查,全球產後六個月純母乳哺餵率為37 %,本單位統計產後純母乳哺餵率:持續一個月為68.46%、二個月為53%、六個月僅達19.23%,經現況分析產六個月無法哺餵純母乳的原因依序為奶水不足、脹奶時未即時處理、上班太忙無法定時擠奶等;而護理人員對產後六個月純母乳哺餵知識、技能及臨床情境處理正確率僅達70.4%。故期望透過專案小組來提昇產後六個月純母乳哺餵率。經修訂母乳哺餵護理指導標準、製作哺乳實況衛教光碟、教戰手冊、擠乳披肩改善方案後,六個月純母乳哺餵率提升至31.2%;護理人員對純母乳哺餵知識、技能及臨床情境處理正確率提升至89%,本專案發現有效的改善措施包括衛教光碟、教戰手冊等較生動有系統性的護理指導方式,可以應用在臨床以解決產婦對哺乳之疑問,進而提昇產後六個月純母乳哺餵率。


According to United Nations Children's Fund, the average breastfeeding rate lasting for six months was 37% in 2009. In the postpartum unit where author worked, the breastfeeding rate for one-month was 68.46%, for two-month was 53%, and for six-month significantly dropped to 19.23%. The factors causing failure of exclusive breastfeeding for six months included insufficient breast milk, delayed treating breast engorgement, and having no time for regular pumping at work. Moreover, only 70.4% of nurses had adequate knowledge and skills about breastfeeding and were able to handle the clinical scenario that breastfeeding women encountered. The improvement measures included revising the nursing standard for breastfeeding, producing breastfeeding CDs and patient education booklets, and offering breastfeeding shawls. The exclusive breastfeeding rate lasting for six months increased to 31.2%. The nurses' knowledge and skills about breastfeeding increased to 89%. These results suggest that use of multimedia CDs and education booklets to ease breastfeeding women's doubts can increase the breastfeeding rate.
