  • 期刊


A Nursing Experience for a Patient with Nasopharyngeal Cancer Receiving Radiation Therapy




This article describes a nursing experience of caring for a patient undergoing radiation therapy for nasopharyngeal cancer. During the nursing period from June 14 to August 12, 2010, the author collected data through patient observation, face-to-face conversation, listening, physical assessment, and telephone interview. Data were analyzed using Gordon's 11 functional health patterns tool. The identified nursing problems included oral ulcer pain leading to poor food intake and weight loss. The patient, as the major financial provider for the family, was worried about the inability to work. To meet the patient's basic physical needs, the author provided individualized care including pain relief, nutritional support, and treatment of oral ulcers. For the patient's psychological needs, the author encouraged the patient to express internal feelings and actively participate in treatment, which would lessen the patient's anxiety. Moreover, the search for resources in medical support systems, such as dieticians, social workers, and chaplains, helps the patient successfully go through therapy courses, minimize various nursing problems, and promote quality of life. The author hopes that this report can be used as a reference for other nurses taking care of patients in similar situations.
